The Dog District
1100 N Frontage Rd. Darien, IL. 60561
Phone: 630-541-6660 Fax: 630-541-6212
Lobby Hours
Monday - Friday: 7am - 8pm
Saturday & Sunday: 7am- 6pm
Holidays: 7am - 6pm
Daycare & Train
For dogs who need a little extra help adjusting to the daycare setting, or for your pups that love to learn, we offer in daycare training. This service will provide your dog with a 30 minute one-on-one training session during their time at daycare. Our trainer will meet with you, and your dog, to make a specialized program that will cover basic obedience, socialization and proper manners. Daycare and Trains are by appointment only and available Monday through Friday.
Board & Train
This 10 day intensive training program is tailored to you and your dogs specific needs. We custom design a training program based off of any problems you are facing. Our Board and Train program covers general obedience, proper manners, socialization and behavioral modifications. Each day your dog will receive one-on-one training sessions where they will be learning and practicing their new skills, such as the ones listed below and many more:
• Sit
• Down
• Stay
• Come
• Leave It
• How To Take Treats Nicely
• No Jumping
• Walking Nicely On A Leash
We familiarize your dog with many different settings, so they can be confident in most situations. Included in your dog's board and train will be group classes, videos and pictures of your dog, a private session at the scheduled pick-up time and a complimentary home session after your dogs stay. Board and trains are by appointment only, please contact us for pricing.
Private Lessons
If you and your dog need a little extra one-on-one attention, or your schedule doesn't work with our other training services, The Dog District offers private sessions here at our facility. These are by appointment only; please contact us for availability and pricing.